Anyone play Dofus? Hitskin_logo

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 Anyone play Dofus?

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Join date : 2009-08-20

Anyone play Dofus? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone play Dofus?   Anyone play Dofus? EmptyThu 29 Apr 2010, 01:35

My name on Dofus is Ecacheca if you play and see me.

Anyway, it's a really good strategy game if you don't mind the very cartoony graphics. It's apparently the #1 strategy game, not completely sure if that's true, but I do know that each server (there's like 60) has over 5,000 people on it at a time. It's a huge game too, although when you aren't a subscriber, it's kind of limited.

Here's my referral link anyway (people who join get me bonuses, and people who subscribe get me bigger bonuses) so if you play, can get past the graphics, and happen to be a subscriber on the server Rosal, gimme a shout :3

EDIT: Lol forgot to add the referral link.
Here it is.
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Anyone play Dofus?
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