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 [Database] Damages

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[Database] Damages Empty
PostSubject: [Database] Damages   [Database] Damages I_icon_minitimeMon 22 Nov 2010, 14:56

In this thread will be collected dammages datas from weapons, super and pets against armor.
Anyone can help !
For this, nothing complicated, just follow those easy rules to make it easy to build the database and read it.

- As it's going to be a lot of datas, looking for the numbers of weapons and the differents Str vs Armor ratio, the first topic will be edited.

- Don't post your datas here or it will be the anarchy very fast. Send it to me (See below ithe wanted format). Let's let the post area free to make reflexions about damages and defense modificators.

- As you can bet it, light weapons are the easier to collect datas from as their damage range is short (difference between dmg min and dmg max), most of them multi-hits and attack fastly. So if you can focus on heavy and rare weapons, it would be appreciated.

- When you share datas, try to get the wider damages range possible. For example sending 50-53 damage with a bump wich get a huge difference between min dmg and max dmg is useless and won't be integrated in the database.

- Remember to check opponent's armor (Peau Renforcee/Armure) and note it.

- Remember to check your Str (and Agi if Shuri/Bowl/PiouPiou) and note it.

- Remember to check is the damage is affected by a skill (MA, MoA) and note it.

- Remember to check opponent's hp and note it while using Marteau.

- Remember to check if the player hit has Squelette de Plomb or Increvable, we won't collect those datas.

- If you find an opponent with a rare weapon you always beat in training, remember his name and fight him everyday to get better quality datas about the weapon you're focusing.

- If datas are already shared for the weapon you're focusing, try to complete the damage range with same str and logical differences (+5, +10 ..). For example, you want to do the lance and there is datas for 11Str, try to get 16Str, 21Str instead of 15Str, 20Str so it will be easier to find out Str modificator for this weapon.

- - Don't pm me already shared datas.

- To share datas, send me a pm (try to collect a lot of datas then send pm instead of sending me a pm everyday) in the following form:

Name of the weapon:
0 => mindmg-maxdmg (XStr) (No Armor)
2 => mindmg-maxdmg (XStr) (Peau Renforcée)
5 => mindmg-maxdmg (XStr) (Armure)
7 => mindmg-maxdmg (XStr) (Armure + Peau renforcée)

/!\ It can be feeled like a lot of rules to a participative project, but I'm the one who will spend the more time on this, keeping it updated, easy to read, checking if the datas sended are coherents, and I'm already sharing a lot of datas, just by myself, so making it easy for me is the less you can do. /!\

0 => 40-60(5Str)__52-64(8Str)_____________56(11Str)
2 => 40(5Str)_____48(8Str)____32-48(10Str)
5 => 40(5Str)
7 =>

0 => 4-6
2 => 2-4
5 => 1
7 => 1

0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 18-27
2 => 16-25
5 => 21
7 => 14-19

Bol de Nouilles:

0 => 7-10(6Str)__8-11(8Str)__8-13(10Str)_13-19(21Str)__13-18(25Str)
2 => 5-7(6Str)___6-9(8Str)___7-11(10Str)______________13-18(25Str)__19-28(Str40)
5 =>
7 => 1-2(6Str)

0 => 18-27(18Str)
2 => 18-24(18Str)
5 =>
7 => 12-17(18Str)

Cimeterre (MoA):
0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

Clavier d'ordinateur:
0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 7-11(5Str)__11-14(11Str)
2 => 5-9(5Str)___8-12(11Str)
5 => 2-6(5Str)___7-8(11Str)
7 =>___________4(11Str)

Couteau (MoA):
0 => 11-13(3Str)__11-17(5Str)
2 => 9-13(3Str)___9-15(5Str)
5 => 5-10(3Str)
7 =>

0 => 39-40(5Str)__42-47(11Str)__59-62(25Str)
2 => 29-41(5Str)__38-49(11Str)
5 =>
7 =>

Epée (MoA):
0 => 36-52(1Str)__39-58(3Str)
2 => 34-51(1Str)__38-55(3Str)
5 =>____________32-51(3Str)
7 =>____________48(3Str)

Etoile du Matin:
0 => 21-31(5Str)
2 => 23-28(5Str)
5 =>
7 => 15-22(5Str)

0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 30-45(1Str)__38-56(6Str)__43-64(9Str)__49-71(13Str)
2 => 29-42(1Str)__38-51(6Str)__44-62(9Str)__47-67(13Str)
5 =>____________33-48(6Str)__38-57(9Str)
7 => 27-46(1Str)__25-45(6Str)__38-49(9Str)

0 => 12-21(11Str)__35-49(45str)
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 13-19(10Str)
2 => 11-18(10Str)
5 =>
7 => 6-13(10Str)

0 => 26-38(6Str)
2 => 24-35(6Str)
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 13-19(5Str)__16-19(7str)__15-22(9Str)__39-56(45str)
2 => 11-16(5Str)__12-18(7Str)
5 =>
7 =>________________________11-14(9Str)

Mains Nues (BareHand):
0 => 4-5(1Str)__5-7(3Str)__5-8(5Str)__6-8(8Str)__5-11(10Str)__________12-16(21Str)__22-26(Str45)
2 => 2-4(1Str)__3-5(3Str)__4-6(5Str)__5-6(8Str)__6-9(10Str)
5 =>____________________1-4 (5Str)___________2-5(10Str)__3-6(11Str)
7 =>__________1(3Str)_______________________2-3(10Str)

Mains Nues (MA):
0 => 11-15(3Str)__11-17(5Str)__12-17(6Str)__18-24(12Str)__17-25(13Str)
2 => 9-11(3Str)___9-14(5Str)___13-15(6Str)__16-20(12Str)__15-24(13Str)
5 =>________________________7-12(6Str)___12-20(13Str)
7 =>________________________5-11(6Str)

0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 10-15(8Str)
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

Os de Mammouth:
0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>


0 => 21-30(8Str)__23-34(11Str)
2 => 18-26(8Str)
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 5-8(5str)__6-9(7Str)
2 => 4-6(5Str)__4-7(7Str)__13-19(30Str)
5 => 2-3(5Str)
7 =>

0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

0 => 7-11(3Str)__9-14(5Str)__10-14(8Str)__11-17(11Str)
2 =>___________6-11(5Str)
5 =>___________5-9(5Str)___6-9(8Str)____7-12(11Str)
7 =>___________3-8(5Str)


0 => 19-27(10Str)__19-27(11Str)__17-28(12Str)
2 => 17-22(10Str)
5 =>
7 =>

0 =>
2 =>
5 =>
7 =>

Last edited by Caedes on Wed 08 Dec 2010, 11:11; edited 5 times in total
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[Database] Damages Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Database] Damages   [Database] Damages I_icon_minitimeMon 22 Nov 2010, 15:54

backing up the fleau
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[Database] Damages Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Database] Damages   [Database] Damages I_icon_minitimeMon 22 Nov 2010, 16:03

Xteen, it's very nice to want to help.

But if you could please read my post, I mean, all the post.
Datas have to been sent to me by pm, or this topic will be 10000 pages in one week, and won't let us talk about the main point of this topic:
Str modificator and Armor (wich will be find out fast enough by the way).

Also please don't send me links of fights. I'm already collecting datas by my side, don't have time to collect your datas.
If you want to help, please stick with the rules I wrotten.
Don't want to spend all my day thinking/doing stuff aboute La Brute.
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PostSubject: Re: [Database] Damages   [Database] Damages I_icon_minitime

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