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 Eventail and Choc

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Eventail and Choc Empty
PostSubject: Eventail and Choc   Eventail and Choc I_icon_minitimeMon 02 May 2011, 15:12

The eventail (fan) is already known as the worst weapon in the game. I took it as an experiment to see if it was really as bad as everyone says, and it is. Now I discover that it doesn't work with Choc.


This is not the first time I've seen this behavior, this brute has had choc for a few levels now and I have yet to see a single disarm from a hit with the eventail. Choc gives you +50% chance to disarm, so the eventail must have a major negative disarm percentage.

It is fairly accurate, though not 100% like the leek, and it does work with vandalisme, but the damage is incredibly bad.
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