The Sniper Assassins Dojo - Recruiting New pupils! Hitskin_logo

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 The Sniper Assassins Dojo - Recruiting New pupils!

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-05-22
Location : In your bed! :D

The Sniper Assassins Dojo - Recruiting New pupils! Empty
PostSubject: The Sniper Assassins Dojo - Recruiting New pupils!   The Sniper Assassins Dojo - Recruiting New pupils! I_icon_minitimeSun 22 May 2011, 11:45

Welcome forum viewers! Cool
The Sniper Assassins Dojo is recruiting pupils! Just type in these letters, BHCCGJGE.
You will be given Double (x2) your experience in battle for 3 days. You will also gain abilities/ backgrounds/ pets or weapons! affraid I can't guarantee you'll get a bear but your chances are high. Join Today. ThankYou everyone, I would appreciate it if you joined.
And if anyone asks for a Pupil for pupil I may consider it Wink
~Dakaest scratch
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