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 New skills and pets at high levels

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PostSubject: New skills and pets at high levels   New skills and pets at high levels I_icon_minitimeMon 15 Aug 2011, 07:20

For those of you on the french servers who are high levels, do the chances at getting skills and pets decrease at lvl 20,30,40+? And if so by how much?
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PostSubject: Re: New skills and pets at high levels   New skills and pets at high levels I_icon_minitimeTue 16 Aug 2011, 03:29

Bump, remove stats from the question
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PostSubject: Re: New skills and pets at high levels   New skills and pets at high levels I_icon_minitimeTue 16 Aug 2011, 07:14

Noop wrote:
Bump, remove stats from the question

i fixed the Question for you, but just for info: if you create a new topic your self you will be able to edit the tittle your self any time just by editing your first post.

now to the Question:
this Question can be tricky , but from my experiance i can tell you this.

it is obvious that till lvl20 your brute has a high chance of getting new Skills just because he didn´t get many of them, but it is also obvious that the chances of getting new Skills would sink because he already got some of them.
now the random choices of every Destiny is a matter that is pointless to be discussed because i don´t know the Algorithm of picking dandomly 2 choices every level.
but the tricky part that we can foresee is the choices when you get (2 stat + 1stat) many mods and members in the french forum think that every time you get a choice like this one, it means that this choice have been replaced by this (2 stat + 1 stat) because it was suppposed to be the turn for a (Skill, weapon or pet) but it has been replaced because you already have this particular (Skill, weapon or pet) .
so the main idea: the more skills you get, the more stats will get offered and this will reduce the chances of getting new Skills quite much.

now to my Opinion on this:
there are hundreds of milions of diffrent possible Destinies and none of them tells us what a frish new Destiny could get next. because it is random and every Skill , weapon and pet has its own % of getting offered. for example Implacable is the rarest, them immortal and untouchable.... and then to shield or Extra thick Skin as the most common..... and i belive this is the biggest factor which plays the most important role in the Algorithm which picks the next 2 choices in every Destiny.
so i think that it doesn´t matter at ALL when you will get a new Skill no matter what lvl you have reached. because this Algorithm will start new after every lvl up and picks somthing after its % and if you allready have it you get a (2stat +1 stat) offer nothing more.
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PostSubject: Re: New skills and pets at high levels   New skills and pets at high levels I_icon_minitimeTue 16 Aug 2011, 11:54

just what I wanted to hear, thank you! do you have an example of a high level brute (50+?) with many skills you could show? I can't access the french version of muxxu sadly.
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PostSubject: Re: New skills and pets at high levels   New skills and pets at high levels I_icon_minitime

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