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 How Stats are infuencing weapons?

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PostSubject: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeMon 19 Sep 2011, 11:24

I was wondering why sometimes brutes draw one weapon after another and sometimes they just stick to one weapon all the battle.
Or what makes them draw weapon quickly or wait untill the middle game to do so? And most of the time they throw weapon at enemy, but sometimes they just throw it away like trash - is it random?

I have brutes both with high agi or high speed and they always behave differently each battle. I cant find why?

What are parameters that say if brute will draw weapon soon or late? And does it only matter what my brute has or also the opponnent statistics.

Also is there any stat that will make my brute disarm others (barehanded) - because I saw some brutes do that (and they dont have a skill for that)

For example I have brute with Leek (the vegetable). It deals little admage - the same as hand damage. But it is repetative and it sometimes attacks when opponent brute tries to attack - so it is great overal.
But!!! My brute does not draw the weapon till mid or late game. Most cases it gives her the victory anyway. But there are some batles that she would win if she took the leek a bit earlier.

Her stats:
Health: 68
Strength: 3
Agility: 2
Speed: 9
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeMon 19 Sep 2011, 14:09

well the Answer to all of your Question is : it is all random, Stats have nothing to do with it at all.
except the part where brutes with one single weapon from the Type "fast and Multi-attacks weapons" (as knife, sai, whip. leek. tennis-R and fan) these gets thrown very fast if your speed is between average and High.
now a very Special case is the leek and the Tennis-R. one of their famous characteristics are drawing them late and throwing them early.

it was disscussed as a thoery that it might have to do with the fact that the rarer the weapon gets offered , the later it gets drawn from your inventory no matter how many weapons you might have... but in my experiance inspite of the fact that this theory make sense , we can exclude heavy weapons from this theory. because of the unstable characteristics of the Flail...
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeMon 19 Sep 2011, 16:48

Hmmm... if I have leek - which not only for me is drawn late - should I take another weapon that is quick - like knife? To have knife (or other weapon drawn quickly) at the beginning and leak at the mid-late game?

And what do you mean by:
"brutes with one single weapon from the Type "fast and Multi-attacks weapons" (as knife, sai, whip. leek. tennis-R and fan) these gets thrown very fast if your speed is between average and High. "

You are saying that brutes throw them away and not use anymore quickly? or they DRAW it quickly and use (throw) them quickly? Sorry - but I can understand it both ways and I dont want to make false assumptions. Can you please explain it in other words? Sorry for my english language barier.
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2011, 03:30

for the leek as a single weapon , i suggest only 2 perfect Options for back up: either MA + high Strength or Thief. any other weapon would definitely ensure that the Leek would not be drawn very often. couple of exceptions here would be the sai and the Flail because they are at least as good as the Leek.

as for "fast and Multi-attacks weapons" along with good Speed you draw them and attack once or twice with them and then instead of keep attacking you throw it at the enemy and lose it.
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2011, 05:08

Rico wrote:
for the leek as a single weapon , i suggest only 2 perfect Options for back up: either MA + high Strength or Thief. any other weapon would definitely ensure that the Leek would not be drawn very often. couple of exceptions here would be the sai and the Flail because they are at least as good as the Leek.

Suddenly Leek doesnt seem like that good weapon Sad
And I felt so lucky to get it.

As for the thief - it seems to me as a bit of a gamble, isnt it? And I noticed that many players just take any weapon that is being offered - bumps, mamooth bones etc - stealing those is not so good.

Rico wrote:
as for "fast and Multi-attacks weapons" along with good Speed you draw them and attack once or twice with them and then instead of keep attacking you throw it at the enemy and lose it.

So shurikens and bowls of noodles (my dream weapons) - are not soo good after all? Because they are better with high speed - and then you wont use them for so long Sad

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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2011, 06:27

catastrophobica wrote:
Rico wrote:
for the leek as a single weapon , i suggest only 2 perfect Options for back up: either MA + high Strength or Thief. any other weapon would definitely ensure that the Leek would not be drawn very often. couple of exceptions here would be the sai and the Flail because they are at least as good as the Leek.

Suddenly Leek doesnt seem like that good weapon Sad
And I felt so lucky to get it.

As for the thief - it seems to me as a bit of a gamble, isnt it? And I noticed that many players just take any weapon that is being offered - bumps, mamooth bones etc - stealing those is not so good.

no the LEEK is a very good Weapon, it can´t be dodged or blocked, it multi-attacks between 2-7 attacks per round and it is very fast and can attack twice per round. and best of all it has a 100% pugnace (hostality) after each hit.
about thief, stealing bad weapons is not always a bad thing and it is a small price to pay for the huge advantages you get from Thief.
catastrophobica wrote:
Rico wrote:
as for "fast and Multi-attacks weapons" along with good Speed you draw them and attack once or twice with them and then instead of keep attacking you throw it at the enemy and lose it.

So shurikens and bowls of noodles (my dream weapons) - are not soo good after all? Because they are better with high speed - and then you wont use them for so long Sad

this does not apply for throwing weapons like "shuriken", "noodle bowl" or "poi pio" , that is why i did not list them above. they are unlimited.
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2011, 09:13

Then could you please list the "'fast and multi-attacks weapons" that are influenced by a speed? I dont think I know which ones you are reffering to.

Sorry for all those questions. I played 1st wersion of mybrute but I feel so unexperienced. I always looked for early bear/panther and many weapons. That was all my tactics. This muxxu version seems a lot more complex.
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2011, 09:58

"'fast and multi-attacks weapons" are knife, sai, whip. leek. tennis-R , Keyboard and fan
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PostSubject: Re: How Stats are infuencing weapons?   How Stats are infuencing weapons? I_icon_minitime

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