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 New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)

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PostSubject: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSun 17 May 2009, 11:13

Broke off to own thread so he can weigh interest and keep scripts separate to avoid confusion.

BobTheBear wrote:
I now have my auto-fighting script pretty much finished using QTP. Still a few little tweaks I want to make but it pretty much works as it is. Gave it a lot of testing yesterday and it performed really well.

You feed it a list of brutes (screen name & url name - and a password if it's a protected brute - is all it needs - I may tweak it so it only needs the screen name and works out the url name itself .... wouldn't be terribly hard to do) on a spreadsheet.

It will then:

  • Scan through the list of brutes and logs in any that have a password.
  • Checks to see what level each brute is and keeps a note of that. You can mix. It doesn't care what level they all are as it'll give them opponents accordingly.
  • Checks to see how many fights each brute had left that day - keeps a note of that as well.
  • Runs through the fights for each brute. There are opponent brutes (weak ones and it always fights two levels down) stored at the top of the script. They can easily be updated if required.
  • If a brute levels up halfway through it's daily quota of fights, the script spots this and will move his opponents up to the next level with him for maximum XP gain.
  • Full error handling. It can cope with page failures, will refresh and reload pages if it needs to.
  • Scheduler. Can be run on the spot of left to run later. I left it to run through about 150 pupil brutes at 6am GMT and it did them all without a problem.
  • Results. Tells you how many fights (if any) all the brutes on the list had, and what level they ended up at.

And thats about it so far.

Works a treat as it stands.

I want to add a few extra bits and pieces to allow file selection, XP gain in total based on level ups, a touch more error handling - although it hasn't failed yet - I'm not sure it's 100% covered .... and a few other bits and bobs.

Timewise - it seems to take around 30 seconds per brute running when the site is fairly quiet.

I'm wondering if I should start another thread for this as I've kind of jumped on one for a previous script with this? May do that later .... if anyone is interested in this, maybe up and I'll start a fresh thread with more details? First thing you'll need is a copy of QTP if you are interested. Easy enough to find online .... (if you torrent it you want the v9 copy at 446mb. The v9.5 copy doesn't work. The newer version isn't essential. I know 446mb is a lot more than the little scripting tool linked to earlier on here, but QTP is pro software.)


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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSun 17 May 2009, 11:25

Cheers heroinmonkey.

This is probably the way to go. I didn't think I'd get it developed quite so quickly but it was simpler than I thought.

One thing I should probably mention ..... the script in QTP will only run against IE. (v7 on my PC)

I normally use FireFox myself but the version of QTP I have at home (see above .... it's pro software so you have to take what you can get!) won't run against FireFox. Later versions will .... IF you can get hold of the FF addin for it. Again, might be tricky to find for "free".

No matter though. It runs really well against IE and even if you use FF, most people will still have IE installed as well. :)

I'd still class it as "beta" at the moment, but it cerainly works. It fought through somewhere between 250 and 300 brutes for me yeaterday without complaining. cheers

Leave a note on here once you have downloaded and installed QTP OK.
Once I know someone is looking for it, I'll upload a copy of the actual script somewhere and post the link up here.
Script itself is only 0.5mb so thats not a problem ....
(I want to do a little more work to it later today/tomorrow anyway)

*** CURRENT VERSION OF THE SCRIPT (v1.5 @ 22/6/09) ***



Reason the script is written for IE is because QTP won't recognise FireFox.

Well, it will, IF you have the official, paid for, version .... with all the most up-to-date addins.

Which, at home, I don't. I have what I could "find" on the internet. That version won't work with FireFox.

I use FireFox for everything else but IE is still on my PC. So it's no big deal to run this script against it for me.

If it bothers you, don't use it. No skin off my nose!


Reason I'm sticking with my script is:

1. It's not ported from a French script so I can understand it!
2. I wrote it .... so I know how it works .... so if I want to change something, it's easy. I can also expand and tailer it how I want.
3. It's more robust than any other script I've tried. When the site is busy, mine copes. It keep retrying, refreshing and reloading until it's done.

Last edited by BobTheBear on Mon 22 Jun 2009, 21:52; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSun 24 May 2009, 10:40

Could you also include alternate versions that point to and sites?
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSun 24 May 2009, 12:27

Shouldn't be too hard .... if the sites are identical ....

I could make it a selectable option at runtime. Won't be top of my priority list, but I can do it when I have time.

Top of the "fix list" is the latest annoying failure possiblilty they seem to have introduced to the site. I'm not getting an IE failure popup A LOT around the login screen. Just about fixed for it now but it was causing a lot of failure this morning .....

If you download the Tfr3ak version, the crack is in the download. Read the .NFO file .... instrucitons are in there.
If you downloaded any other version, the crack probably doesn't work.
The Tfr3ak version is the only version I know of thats easy to get hold of with a working crack.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeMon 25 May 2009, 15:51

But isn't the program their downloading the actual file you made you bot with? It would only come in handy if they wanted to actually edit the source right?

What use will it be if they dont know the programming language it uses?
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeMon 25 May 2009, 20:10

You need QTP to run the scipt.

The Tfr3ak torrent is a working version of QTP.

The megaupload file is a script to run in QTP. (It's not a standalone thing)

One is no use (for mybrute autofighting anyway) without the other.

I now have it so that pretty much the only thing that will stop it is if IE crashes completely ... and I plan to put recovery handling in for that over the next day or two. Other than that, the site can throw all the errors, popups and failures it wants ..... my script will just keep going until it gets through. I just leave it running while I'm at work .... the site is really error prone at the time of day, but now it doesn't really matter. :)

I'm currently auto-fighting almost 600 pupils of all different levels, some passworded, with it daily .....
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 17:05

would it be possible to script the bot, so that it registers the brutes for the tournament every 2days?
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 18:14

Will sort out a copy of my tournament entry script later tonight if I have time.

Don't have any pupil scripts I'm afraid.

I'm on a static IP so any self pupiling I do involves physically switching off modems and hacking network cards to force IP changes so a script would be pointless.

Hoping to have a dynamic IP set up in the next week or two though, might have a look at doing a pupil script once I have that up and running ....
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 18:23

i cant setup QTP...its giving error message..pls help...

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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 18:40

TR359 wrote:
i cant setup QTP...its giving error message..pls help...

I didn't hit that problem when I installed it.

But, looking at it, it looks like it's trying to install the sample code/training application at that point. (You get a stupid flight booking application to play with if you install it)

Just skip that when you do your install. I did. You don't need it.

There will be a check-box somewhere where you start the install asking which components you want to install. Just make sure the one for the sample application is un-ticked and you should be OK ....
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 19:25

ok installed the program.. but now when i open "Brute - Auto-Fight" in prog.. it says "unexpected file format" why?

and i can select only in "open in read only mode" ....but i cant change lines...

Last edited by TR359 on Thu 28 May 2009, 19:31; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2009, 19:50

TR359 wrote:
ok installed the program.. but now when i open "Brute - Auto-Fight" in prog.. it says "unexpected file format" why?

and i can select only in "open in read only mode" ....but i cant change lines...


Not sure!

This hasn't happened to anyone else!


Load QTP. (I'm assuming you have installed it correctly - applied the license, crack etc)

Make sure "ActiveX" and "Web" are ticked when you run it. (Also, check the READ ME - there are a couple of other settings in QTP you should change for maximum performance)

Goto: File > Open > Test

Navigate to where you saved the Auto-Fight folder and click on the folder.

It should open the script and you should be able to change the file path in line 1.

mantis33 wrote:
So where do I get QTP so I can try to use this...

That info appears earlier in the the thread.

But I'll save you going back a page .... Wink

Using a well known torrent search site:

Quote :
"search for "qtp tfr3ak" .... should only find 1 torrent - 446mb."

PS - I'll see and answer any questions in the thread. You won't get an answer any quicker by PM'ing me ... :)
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeFri 29 May 2009, 20:01

ok, just finished with everything. i'll start by saying it works beautifully now and i tested on both passworded and non-passworded brutes, i had no idea you could fight guys 2 levels lower then yourself and get 2xp for the win still, so thats gonna be a huge help along with saving me loads of time and effort so i cant thank you enough for making this.

now ill cover the few hiccups i had along the way, the first was changing line 1 in QTP to the file path of my fight.xls, for some reason it wouldnt let me change any text so i just added an identical line under it and made the file_path = "my path" and then cut out the line i couldnt edit and that worked so that was easy. the other problem i had involved my resolution, i was getting an error that something couldnt be seen or found and after a minute of thinking about it i realized the fight button doesnt show on my screen until i scroll down once so i switched to a larger resolution and it worked like a charm. if its possible or if you care(i wouldnt honestly) maybe you can add a function where it scrolls down once or twice before fighting. i say i wouldnt care because i went up 1 resolution and dont see that much of a difference and 5 minutes later im already used to it.

thanks again, i saw some other scripts that looked like more work then i was already doing and since i knew this was possible im really glad u did it before i had to, lol. thanks thanks thanks Razz
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeFri 29 May 2009, 20:32

Thanks for the feedback dicklips (lol) ... much appreciated.

Not much I can do about resolution I'm afraid, everyone will be running something different so it'd be impossible to get it right for everyone. 99 times out of 100, it wouldn't matter. But, because of the way the brute site works, it has to actually position the mouse on the object on screen (as it's embedded flash) before it clicks it. So, the button has to be visible (as you discovered).

Still, at least you've found the problem and sorted it so anyone else runs into has an easy answer.

Not sure whats going on with not being able to edit that line? You should be able to.

I can ... but then, I have the original script, not a downloaded copy of it so it must be behaving differently to me.

I could put in an input box with an optional over-ride I suppose? Problem with that would be it would lose it during total failure recovery so it's best to have it hard-coded.

Will see if it happens with the next version I upload .... which will be soon.

I also tried a couple of other scripts first but I wasn;t impressed. They were clunky, unreliable, limited and I had no clue how they were written as half of it was in French. I write automated tests in QTP for a job so I just whacked together this little effort at home. It fights over 600 guys of varying levels for me at the moment without any bother.

One thing to watch for, is that the guys it has stored for your pupils to fight (the bit near the start) ..... make sure none of the get deleted. If one does (it has happened once so far) it'll stop it in it's tracks. There isn't much I can do in the code to counter it so you just have to keep an eye out for that one.

Anyway, glad it's woking for ya and glad ya appreciated it.

Any pupils on my main guy:

Are more than welcome in way of thanks. (please post any pupil names on here as well so I don't miss them! .... they can get added to my script!)

Quote :
(yes this will mean getting out of your chair and even possibly being exposed to sunlight Sad )

I totally lol'd hard. Very Happy

mantis .... I'm in much the same boat. I have a pissy upload speed and better things to do with my (limited) upload bandwidth to be honest.

I'm sure you must know *someone* with a non-school connection who can grab it from the torrent for you! It's not that big a file ..... about 2/3 of a low quality divx movie .... no big deal.

Finally .... I don't want to *uploading* software like QTP anywhere. It's expensive kit owned by a MAMMOTH company and I'd rather not be uploading copies of it to the internet! Grabbing a torrent is one thing, being the one that puts it there is a different thing entirely.

Sorry if that doesn't help you out any, but I think I've put plenty effort into this as it is.

If anyone else wishes to RS it ..... go for it, but it won't be me I'm afraid.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 00:06

Does this work on a Mac? If i download IE of course.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 00:30

Unfortunately, I don't think so.

QTP is windows only software as far as I know. Certainly the Tfr3ak verison is.

Not sure if you could run it in some sort of emulation mode? If you can force your mac to run windows (xp or 2000 at least), it *might* work .... but I wouldn't bet any large sums of money on it!

You also need MS Excel ..... which might also be an issue.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 05:56

So are there actually direction on.. you know... how to get this to work? It doesn't seem like it was explained very well. What do you do to get it to run? How about a step by step instruction that also explains what the hell QTP is.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 10:21


Read post 1 in this thread - it explains everything you need to download/install.

Read the READ ME.txt file that comes with the script. It explains how to install and configure everything.

There have been a couple of other questions asked, and answered, in this thread.

Between all that, the only extra thing I could do is come round and hold your hand while you do it .... and thats not going to happen.

I'll offer as much help as I can but I can only do so much. If you ask a SPECIFIC question, that hasn't already been covered in here, I'll try and help. If you ask "how to get this to work" ... you're just going to piss me off. Dicklips, as well as plenty other people, seem to have managed without too much trouble?

As for QTP - it's professional testing software. It uses a version of VB script along with an object oriented repository (in some cases .... my script doesn't use a repository, it's descriptive) to automate testing or operation of windows based websites and/or software. It is used in large corporations for carrying out automated testing from all levels from unit through to user acceptance. QTP was originally developed by a company called Mercury Interactive and was bought out by HP about a year or so ago.

It is a DAMN expensive piece of software. Licenses to run it in the corporate world cost large amounts of cash. $-thousands I believe.

The more basic scripting tools that other scripts are written in are probably capable of doing a lot of what QTP does but I don't use them at work (unlike QTP), so I don't know them, so I wrote mine in QTP so I could get it do what I want.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 10:59

mantis, just download IE7, QTP from a torrent site as he already said, and make sure you have microsoft excel.
IE7 is free and those other 2 are easily found on torrents. once you have them all installed download his script and go to the readme.txt(theres a reason its called "readme"...) and it will walk you through step by step.
As long as those programs all work on your computer i pretty much think i ran into the only 2 problems a person can have which is not being able to edit line 1 in qtp which can be fixed by deleting his line 1 with an identical 1 created by you with your own file_path.
The other problem is resolution, to check this go try to fight and without scrolling down at all see if you can see the fight button, if you can you wont have that problem, if you cant then go up 1 or 2 resolutions until you can. it really isnt hard, it just seems like a lot of work if you dont actually get started and work through it step by step. in reality it's not much work at all, took me 5-10 minutes after i got the programs even with the problems i ran into and i can tell you it's completely worth it, you can level up hundreds of pupils while sleeping and know the only thing to break it is IE crashing or if your internet stops working.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 11:27

Even if your internet stops working, it will probably just sit there retrying until it comes back online (although I haven't tested that .... I *think* thats what would happen).

New version now includes crash handling which will restart and resume the script in the event of *most* IE crashes as well. I haven't had a chance to upload this version yet as I still want to make a few more tweaks to other bits of it first.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 15:50

I read the readme already, lol.

The first step of the readme says to put the script into a folder that I can't find. I have QTP, and it's in rar form and I don't really know how to install that I guess.

"Put the "Brute - Auto-Fight" folder into "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests"
(Assuming you went for a standard installation)"

This is the step I can't figure out because I can't find the mercury interactive folder or the quicktest professional or tests folders. I don't know if it's because I didn't install it correctly or what but when I search my computer for these things I can't find them.
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 16:07

mantis33 wrote:
This is the step I can't figure out because I can't find the mercury interactive folder or the quicktest professional or tests folders. I don't know if it's because I didn't install it correctly or what but when I search my computer for these things I can't find them.

Oh dear.

You're pretty new to installing downloaded stuff I guess?

The RAR file is a compressed file for storage. You haven't installed anything. You just have a RAR file!

You need to unRAR (winrar .... google it) it, install it, install the license and crack .... THEN you will have all the relevant folders in place.

Oh ... and when you install it .... DON'T install the training/demo stuff (it's a checkbox during the install) cos it won't work. Someone else already mentioned that earlier in THIS thread but I just thought I'd point it out again .... Wink
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 16:12

You can also extract .rar files using 7-zip which requires no crack because it's open source:
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 16:15

heroinmonkey wrote:
You can also extract .rar files using 7-zip which requires no crack because it's open source:


Is WinRAR still shareware?

Last copy I installed just gave you a nag screen after a couple of weeks .... it never actually stopped working .... ?
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PostSubject: Re: New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear)   New Brute Trainer (QTP by BobTheBear) I_icon_minitimeSat 30 May 2009, 16:16

Winrar is still shareware and like winzip it never truly expires.
7 zip doesn't allow you to create .rar files though, only extract.

Last edited by heroinmonkey on Sat 30 May 2009, 16:17; edited 1 time in total
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