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 Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-05-18

Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) Empty
PostSubject: Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)   Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) I_icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2009, 19:35

Hello all,

We at Kami Dojo are since today recruiting people for our dojo... If you want to have a bear a dog an probably a panda... this is NOT the place to come... the only thing we can offer you... is 3 days double exp and a new arena... sorry about that...


Hope you join, even if you're not going to get super strong just from doing it...
But hey, join anyway!!!!
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-05-18

Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)   Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) I_icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2009, 23:43

Thank you for giving me credit for sincerity... We got tons of people going to the dojo... ok note really just about two or three but hey... that's life... LOL at least this is not one of those full of crap posts where i say you'll get super strong and win 20000 bears :) see ya...
Hope you'll join my AWESOME... ok AVERAGE dojo... mastercode is above...
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Join date : 2009-05-18

Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)   Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) I_icon_minitimeSun 14 Jun 2009, 19:42

Please continue to help...
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Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)   Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD) I_icon_minitime

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Kami DOJO - the most... normal dojo on the planet - recruting (IPHONE/IPOD)
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