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 How do people get so many pupils?

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Join date : 2009-12-30

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PostSubject: How do people get so many pupils?   How do people get so many pupils? I_icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 16:43

I've got about 10 brutes and none of them level off pupils. It's taken me close to a year to get one of my brutes to lvl 23 and I see people on here with brutes 5x that level in a few months.


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PostSubject: Re: How do people get so many pupils?   How do people get so many pupils? I_icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 17:02

you can creat pupils with a special program.
your internet-router can do pupils every few seconds... (if you have static IP than this isn't possible)

Look into the forum-section "Cheats and Scripts" and there you find the "Brutal Combo"
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PostSubject: Re: How do people get so many pupils?   How do people get so many pupils? I_icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 17:24

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PostSubject: Re: How do people get so many pupils?   How do people get so many pupils? I_icon_minitime

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