[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeTue 27 Apr 2010, 10:01

This FAQ aims at gathering the answers to BC problems mainly concerning BC training/pupilling so that users here can just refer to this topic.
Note that this is not a tutorial on how to set up BC: look here for more about BC/tutorials and tools available on this forum, or here to go directly to the Brutal Combo release topic.
NB: there may be some slight differences between your BC configuration files and the screenshots below due to different BC versions.

      Warning: there are currently severe issues with the BC server (monthly bandwidth limitation and Error1 messages) and it is hardly possible to create new pupils and/or train with BC. Here is another more recent bot with more features than Brutal Combo.

The questions below are in a most likely chronological order of possible occurrence.

First of all, I don't know how to set-up Brutal Combo!

Cannot launch BC: I have the error message "Java is not recognized as an internal or external command"
    Your environment variables most likely do not include java.
    Have a look here, or watch the video tutorials: video 1 or video 2.

Cannot launch BC: it tells me some classes were not found, e.g. "Could not find the main class :labrute.ui.SWING.ui. Programm will exit."
  1. You should unpack *all* files from the BC archive in the same directory, and *keep the directory structure* of the original zip file.
  2. Run the .bat file instead of the .jar file *from this directory* only.
  3. If you still have the error if may be due to an old/corrupt Java installation: uninstall Java, clean the registry with CCleaner, reinstall the Java Runtime Environment, and restart at step 1.

Cannot launch BC: the BC window closes before it has finished loading!
    This typically happens if you were not careful enough while editing BC configuration files and you have messed them up.
    1. Use a non modified version of the latest release of BC (do not modify the config.xml file etc.).
    2. Unpack all files in the same directory and launch the .bat file instead of the .jar file. Should be working now and you have to redo more carefully the modifications to the configuration files.
    3. If you still encounter this problem and the window closes before you can have a look at its content add a "pause" statement to your bat file:
      java -jar brutal-combo.jar
    4. Run again BC and try to understand the error message in that window that gives useful hints. It should tell you exactly where there was an error in the configuration files. For example, this message is about an error at line 58 in config.xml file (IP Getter part) for a missing closing bracket ">":
    5. If it didn't display any such error in that window, uninstall Java, clean the registry with CCleaner, reinstall the Java Runtime Environment, and restart at step 1.

    It may happen as well if the Brutal Combo server is down because latest BC versions require the server to open.

At startup I get the error message "WARN error while reading info for loupasoul: No match found"
    At startup BC downloads the cell for each brute listed in the file opponents.txt.
    If a brute cannot be found either because it was deleted from the Motion Twin databases or because the MyBrute server is unreachable BC will display that message.

When I try to create pupils I have the error message "Vous n'avez pas configuré le changement d'IP" (means "You didn't configure the IP change")

When I try to create pupils I have the error message "ERROR NULL"!
    You didn't specify the masters names in your config.xml file.
    Screenshot of the config.xml file:
    Screenshot of the error when only one master is specified:

Why my pupils don't give any XP?
    Each IP may be used only twice on the same server (independently of the user).
    Each IP may only be used a single time for a give brute on a given server.
    Therefore you must change IP everytime before creating a new pupil.

I can't change IP!

I have dynamic IP but cannot change IP using the wget/ipconfig/curl routes
    You'll have to use Winautomation or Actionaz (Google is your friend) to reset your IP directly from your router configuration page.

I get the message "INFO Adresse IP déjà utilisée." (means "IP address already used")
    • Your reconnect.bat file was unable to change your IP. Try to manually launch your reconnect.bat file and check if your IP has changed with for example http://www.whatismyip.com More information in the FAQ just above.
    • Your IP Getter is unable to read your current IP address and you therefore should change your IP Getter (see question below).

I get the error "ERROR !ipGetter.cannotGetIp!"
    • You internet connection is down. Usually routers may reconnect quite fast within a few seconds. But this may work only 3 to 4 times in a row. Then there may be a security at the level of the ISP that prevents such frequent resets and you get no connection for a while and a single router reset can cause again no connection for a while. You have to increase your delay until you are able to sustain this reset rate over a long period of time in order to avoid triggering that security process of your ISP. You have to edit your config.ini file (see spoiler below).
    • Your IPGetter URL is not working. Your IPGetter may not be working and you have to change it in your config.ini file. Be very careful when editing your config.xml file because any error would make BC not loading up properly. For example, you may use one of the following ones in your config.ini file (see spoiler below):


I get the error "ERROR No match found" when I try to create pupils
  • You have to specify the masters names and servers (COM / FR / ES) in your config.ini file (see spoiler just above).
  • If you try to create brutes when there is a technical maintenance (TM) or a brutal error (BE) on a the target server it will give this error. Try later.

BC never trains my pupils nor creates new pupils and the MyBrute website is up and running...
    Do you have the latest BC version? On edit date latest is 1.4.01.

I get the error "ERROR error while calling the web service: ..." when I try to create pupils
    The Brutal Combo server has issues (this is not realted to Motion Twin). Nothing you can do. Try later.
    Brutal Combo first checks the BC server in order to eventually create pupils for those FR brutes (e.g. dirtypotter, etc.), and only after that it will call the Motion Twin websites.
    Therefore if BC server is down Brutal Combo will never create any pupil even if Motion Twin's websites are up and running.

BC trains my pupils just fine but cannot create pupils: clicking on "Création automatique" just does nothing!
    The Brutal Combo server has issues (this is not realted to Motion Twin). Nothing you can do. Try later.

My BC is correctly set up but I cannot get level 0 brutes and therefore BC won't train my new pupils!
    You need at least 6 level 0 opponents in your opponents.txt file. Here is a quick route to create level 0 brutes. On the site BRUTENAME.mybrute.com where BRUTENAME is the name of an existing brute, enter the name of your new brute, position your mouse pointer on the cancel button of your browser, press enter and immediately after press the cancel button of your browser. That way if you were fast enough by pressing the cancel button the new brute didn't even have time to make its first fight and it is a level 0 brute.

I get the message "WARN Pas assez d'adversaires au niveau 1" (means "not enough opponents at level 1")
    • You don't have enough opponents in your opponents.txt file.
    • There was a brutal error at BC startup while BC was trying to download your opponents information (see below "How do I check if all opponents were loaded by BC?").

How do I check if all opponents were loaded by BC? / BC doesn't load my opponents!
    In order to be sure all opponents were loaded at startup, open the BC menu "Statistiques" then "Adversaires par niveau" (means "Opponents by level"), and look if the resulting list corresponds to your opponents.txt. In case not all opponents were loaded you should
    • check if the brutes that were not loaded do still exist on the website (non password-protected brutes may get deleted by Motion Twin (MT)),
    • close BC and start it again until you see that there are no holes in the list of opponents BC has loaded up.
    As an example, the spoiler below shows what happens when there is a small *brutal error* (that lasted only during the time BC was trying to download brutes from level 2 to 7) while loading up BC:

I need opponents!

I'm too lazy to order my opponents by level in opponents.txt !
    Don't worry, you don't need to specify any order for the opponents. For example, such an ordering is not required by BC:
    At startup BC loads up all opponents' information and sorts them automatically according to their level.

I have enough opponents, all were loaded at startup but I still get the message "WARN Pas assez d'adversaires au niveau 1" (i.e. "not enough opponents at level 1")
    BC gives approximately 10-20% of your pupils to the French BC team. Therefore if you for example have only COM opponents in your list, BC won't do the fights for the FR pupils and it will show that message.
    As an example the spoiler below shows what happens in that case: one COM brute was trained and the other error messages correspond to FR pupils given away and that couldn't be trained.

I have enough opponents, all were loaded at startup but no fights are being done and no error message is shown
    When did you last train your database?
    If it was less than 24h ago and you try to run fights on the same database then BC won't do fights that were previously successfully done.
    To avoid this you should always run fights on a copy of your databases.
    Pupils that were created less than 24h ago will never be trained by BC even if you run fights on a copy of your database.

BC creates pupils with no problem for a while, but sometimes BC stops pupilling and shows a long "Runtime Error" message with lots of html code
    If you have this error:
    then you will have to restart BC. This looks like an error from the BC server and there's not much that you can do apart from creating a script that automatically restarts BC when this occurs.

BC was working fine but now I have the error "data/db not found!" or "Could not start database!" when I try to create pupils or read the database!
    Your database is corrupt. Corruption happens when BC is shut down exactly at the time it is writing to the DB. Nothing you can do, use a backup of your database.

I want to use BC on the German DE server!
    BC is not working on DE. This is a choice by the creator and as such BC will probably never work on the German DE server.

How many XP pupils are in my database?
    BC stores only XP pupils in the database. Therefore the number of brutes that gave XP can be shown from the BC menu "Statistiques" -> "Brutes par niveau".

Why does training take so much time?
    BC downloads each brute cell before each fight. This means about 10kb per brute cell and therefore if you for example already have 10'000 brutes this makes about 400MB (per brute: 1 cell + 3 opponents cell) to transfer which may take some time if you have a slow connection or a very old CPU.

In what order does BC train my pupils?
    Lowest level brutes are trained first. Of course they will be correctly ordered only after you have run the fights at least once for a given database.

I want a blank virgin BC database!
    Download the latest BC version and use the data folder.

How to export my BC database to Excel?

Back then I was getting XP pupils but nowadays my new pupils almost never give XP!
    Most IPs in the IP pool you have access to are already used on this server: your IP pool is depleted.

My IP pool is depleted and I want new unused IPs!
    Changing router most likely won't change anything, and there is not much that can be done at this point. You may however try:
    • First you can check on Fixedorbit what IP ranges your ISP is using:
    • Then write down the IPs you're getting by resetting your router and look if they fall into each of the registered IP ranges.
    • If you never get IPs from some of the IP ranges your ISP has registered to, maybe you should then call your ISP: it may be that if you change your internet subscription (e.g. bandwidth) you may access other IP ranges. You may as well ask your ISP how they're splitting their pool of IP (by geographical location, by internet subscription type, etc...).
    • Ultimately if you change ISP you are most likely to get another IP pool.

I want to delete some brutes, merge/split databases, etc.
    This becomes advanced manipulations and it is off-topic here. You must use Squirrel. See the related topics here.

Last edited by Sioc on Sun 20 Nov 2011, 15:36; edited 9 times in total
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeWed 06 Oct 2010, 16:13

Mmm i believe have problems with my data, because put the message: WARN Pas assez d'adversaires au niveau 14,15,16, but, i don't have others pupils of others servers :|

then, that problem I can have?

Thanks for your time! Very Happy
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Feb 2011, 08:12

[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Untitl11

I keep on getting this message on my command prompt whenever I start up BC1.3 (before the BC GUI loads - not the BC splash screen with the mini brute image). I have no clue what it's trying to tell me or whats causing it. I have the latest version of Java runtime for x86 and x64 since I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate. I'm not having a problem loading into the GUI or even completing my fights. BC1.3 reads my opponents and data folder correctly. I'm just wondering what's causing that error msg on my cmd prompt.

Oh yea, and another thing.... I remember Sioc stating that BC can't train newly created pupils within a 24hour time period. If thats true then how come I can? Well.. at least I think* I'm training them. If what Sioc says is true, does that mean BC just skips over newly created pupils that hasn't been over 24hours and no error msg is given to inform the user?

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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Feb 2011, 08:29

Question 1: looks like either a configuration file that you've corrupted, or a faulty Java installation. Try to reuse the default configuration files, and if it doesn't work uninstall Java, run CCleaner, and reinstall Java.

Question 2: no, this is not the case anymore because BC cannot create pupils (those are imported). Training of all pupils is done that way (and ever since BC 1.3+).
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Feb 2011, 08:47

Hmm.. I found out that one of my pupils were no longer valid on MT's server and could not be found. Could that be the reason why the error message was thrown up? I removed the pupil from my list and re-did my BC database and the msg stopped popping up.... could this be the culprit here?

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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Feb 2011, 09:53

The message you have shown above appears when you are running fights for pupils that do not exist anymore. But this is not what you described because you mentioned this appeared before BC finished loading.

Anyway if it doesn't appear anymore I would say you don't have to bother about it anymore.

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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 11 Mar 2011, 17:39

omg Shocked
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011, 16:32

I cant get this program working im still getting msg this in CMD if i try to open brutal-combo.bat

C:\Mybrute>java -jar brutal-combo.jar
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating
 bean with name 'createBruteFromTemplateAction' defined in file [C:\Mybrute\cont
ext.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with ind
ex 0 of type [labrute.creation.PupilCreator]: : Error creating bean with name 'p
upilCreator' defined in file [C:\Mybrute\config.xml]: Instantiation of bean fail
ed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Co
uld not instantiate bean class [labrute.creation.PupilCreator]: Constructor thre
w exception; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: www.brutalcombo.
net; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException
: Error creating bean with name 'pupilCreator' defined in file [C:\Mybrute\confi
g.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.be
ans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [labrute.creati
on.PupilCreator]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.net.Unkn
ownHostException: www.brutalcombo.net
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createA
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowir
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory$1.getOb
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistr
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBe
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.
        at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.finish
        at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refres
        at org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext.<
        at org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext.<
        at labrute.ui.SwingUI.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creati
ng bean with name 'pupilCreator' defined in file [C:\Mybrute\config.xml]: Instan
tiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstan
tiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [labrute.creation.PupilCreato
r]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostExcepti
on: www.brutalcombo.net
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowir
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory$1.getOb
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistr
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBe
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolve
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createA
        ... 18 more
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not insta
ntiate bean class [labrute.creation.PupilCreator]: Constructor threw exception;
nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: www.brutalcombo.net
        at org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(BeanUtils.java:1
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.SimpleInstantiationStrategy
        at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowir
        ... 33 more
Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: www.brutalcombo.net
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.DefaultProtocolSocketFactory.c
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.DefaultProtocolSocketFactory.c
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection.open(HttpConnection.java
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeWithRetry(Htt
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeMethod(HttpMe
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.jav
        at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.jav
        at labrute.creation.PupilCreator.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(BeanUtils.java:1
        ... 35 more

Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . .

could some one please help me with this ?
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011, 16:43

BC is dead since a long time ago...
If you wish to keep pupilling you can use Winni's wincombo or Sioc's pupilling script
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011, 17:10

aha ok i will try that thank you
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011, 17:22

Hope you manage it Very Happy

Any question just post your question on one of the threads Wink (depending which your installing)
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeWed 30 Mar 2011, 05:30

Uhmm cant get both to work xD , yes i have a dynamic ip but my isp reserves the ip for a long time xD any ideas ?
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011, 20:56

Cool ^^
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012, 13:39

WARN error while reading info for octaplex: No match found
WARN error while reading info for reddolphin: No match found
WARN error while reading info for siverek-canavari: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rose: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nooteebrute: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bal: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ze-luis: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pannus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tropsi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for meatpie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bonay: No match found
WARN error while reading info for koala7: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kostucha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for css-zogga: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cavette: No match found
WARN error while reading info for strange-kid: No match found
WARN error while reading info for christy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for automob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kappastepp: No match found
WARN error while reading info for marzman: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bluedongle: No match found
WARN error while reading info for justdoneit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sevenseven: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pardonyou: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 654: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fabricinho-pq: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bbc-tom: No match found
WARN error while reading info for goku-jones: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jimmy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mirkonda: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ozoir: No match found
WARN error while reading info for holic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kwflaezc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cake: No match found
WARN error while reading info for asdf: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fantastix: No match found
WARN error while reading info for schlaftuete: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ayo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ninetails: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard7: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hagefade: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jezzalinkoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for girl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alucat: No match found
WARN error while reading info for audi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 1111: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rixrax: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mike823: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sandza: No match found
WARN error while reading info for death-star: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dieblue: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mihai03: No match found
WARN error while reading info for buzzie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skippio999: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mrgently: No match found
WARN error while reading info for qatana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skynightmare: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 25599: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mavis-handbag: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raest: No match found
WARN error while reading info for celestgirl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard100: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nobodyme: No match found
WARN error while reading info for vinagrin2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard6: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard5: No match found
WARN error while reading info for red-seed: No match found
WARN error while reading info for abc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for merxxxy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for starsplash: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dragon: No match found
WARN error while reading info for murkada: No match found
WARN error while reading info for marotheman: No match found
WARN error while reading info for eva: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sweetcorn-pie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for iii-beans-iii: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rrowland: No match found
WARN error while reading info for abify: No match found
WARN error while reading info for medkirtys-s1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for klm587: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nox: No match found
WARN error while reading info for john-odwyer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tr-ikon: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bishi-bashi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for wronator: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mestredavid: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 123: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xavier: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bruice-lee: No match found
WARN error while reading info for moons-slave: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tatad: No match found
WARN error while reading info for king: No match found
WARN error while reading info for naruto-fuuton: No match found
WARN error while reading info for muffins4ever: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nillediegrille: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dramato: No match found
WARN error while reading info for albert: No match found
WARN error while reading info for srkx07: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mufi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for evaincshade: No match found
WARN error while reading info for plostagupcai: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gravesleepy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 7210-super-nova: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ktheking: No match found
WARN error while reading info for slippn: No match found
WARN error while reading info for oy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mnkj789: No match found
WARN error while reading info for vroni: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dypsy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for http: No match found
WARN error while reading info for snoeflaek: No match found
WARN error while reading info for c-tip: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dronit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ladypaw: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hadilan58: No match found
WARN error while reading info for necrosias: No match found
WARN error while reading info for robert: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 177chaloupe974: No match found
WARN error while reading info for taktake: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lexankirov: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mountaineer92: No match found
WARN error while reading info for piratasdaweb: No match found
WARN error while reading info for drmastermind: No match found
WARN error while reading info for diddy427: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ikneemjehoor: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sunnysuperstar: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nobbi666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for heloisa: No match found
WARN error while reading info for strspeedgirl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alianzalima1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zdn: No match found
WARN error while reading info for forever-red: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jinja1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for deamon-ica: No match found
WARN error while reading info for letihbos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for st0ne: No match found
WARN error while reading info for shadowoana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for meinerkeiner: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hauwechiaa: No match found
WARN error while reading info for micromik: No match found
WARN error while reading info for einwohnernoob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pasjamariana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for shakar: No match found
WARN error while reading info for paul: No match found
WARN error while reading info for roger: No match found
WARN error while reading info for klibb: No match found
WARN error while reading info for flix-w: No match found
WARN error while reading info for karol1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kebab-bob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for deadmus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bluearring: No match found
WARN error while reading info for megan13: No match found
WARN error while reading info for luzifer6666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for reflex666de: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fliegenfred: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lickingduck: No match found
WARN error while reading info for b1f89: No match found
WARN error while reading info for blue-lotos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mkutzi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dunkers2.0: No match found
WARN error while reading info for frozenplum: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bboyban: No match found
WARN error while reading info for billowe: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dofte20: No match found
WARN error while reading info for m13ir13r: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bradmaxwell: No match found
WARN error while reading info for black-sky-8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zacor-03: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tualet: No match found
WARN error while reading info for greeny00: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sinsinsin: No match found
WARN error while reading info for brachial85: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pleshachok: No match found
WARN error while reading info for davidevil87: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tsunamonami: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skullmungator: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gg-grubygracjan: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kadir-k: No match found
WARN error while reading info for satana667: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zacor.nivel.0-1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raluradu: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rhynie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alex0113: No match found
WARN error while reading info for stiillmds: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kuh-ku: No match found
WARN error while reading info for myiarahan: No match found
WARN error while reading info for solid-extinction: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kowhai: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mini.doki3: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bean-jojobean: No match found
WARN error while reading info for realkickboxer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 9999zz9: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lasespinilhias: No match found
WARN error while reading info for transic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for intercurrente: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nbfyugft: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xd-1313: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 2drugi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ca47: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lenschik: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yair-strock: No match found
WARN error while reading info for brutefromfuture2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for larsvegas82: No match found
WARN error while reading info for darkxkill: No match found
WARN error while reading info for odtemp: No match found
WARN error while reading info for susessagem: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dunker-987: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gaellisssss: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pelle665: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hwidennis: No match found
WARN error while reading info for patoroc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lucasbertolo30: No match found
WARN error while reading info for molino.harinero: No match found
WARN error while reading info for h-i-d-e-o-n: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ikla23: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skanxfighter: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mybga911: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yoshimit5u: No match found
WARN error while reading info for m.magic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for x-marcos-x-sfc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hujekoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for grand-lion: No match found
WARN error while reading info for inv1xfui4n7o4: No match found
WARN error while reading info for micocha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bqstien: No match found
WARN error while reading info for htyi44: No match found
WARN error while reading info for god-on-prozac: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tynchuty: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yurireaper: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rickdogs: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gorall: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dem0ninuyasha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jove1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for josch42: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nubbit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ladyvavaseur: No match found
WARN error while reading info for addyrosem: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bruteherder: No match found
WARN error while reading info for oozlezoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rhenox: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ficher2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sayonara-le-nain: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tunox5: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xen890: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sepp105: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raytest07: No match found
WARN error while reading info for krytoi-4el: No match found
WARN error while reading info for x-clau: No match found
WARN error while reading info for spegeliphone: No match found
WARN error while reading info for divino94: No match found
WARN error while reading info for unstable-troll: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ahren15: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ggx-dasd: No match found
WARN error while reading info for osoosopet: No match found
WARN error while reading info for whit3-dogys: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sd65dsx5dczt: No match found
WARN error while reading info for susisusi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for iskrabt: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kampfzwergi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cara020307: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sonvegetagoku: No match found
WARN error while reading info for smaragddrache: No match found
WARN error while reading info for panarrasdestiny: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cartoffaru: No match found
WARN error while reading info for danzinhooo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for diana-bovio: No match found
WARN error while reading info for maehnaebteheu87: No match found
WARN error while reading info for renan.storer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for f16015to: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ice-of-light: No match found
WARN error while reading info for killthekiller666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for joanos08: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kytyz0r: No match found
WARN error while reading info for themateosk8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cryrex: No match found
WARN error while reading info for casg2354: No match found
WARN error while reading info for adutas: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mindaugovas: No match found
WARN error while reading info for db-yamchu: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fischus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sandie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for go-pirats: No match found
WARN error while reading info for thebossplancarte: No match found
WARN error while reading info for blakzektorz: No match found
WARN error while reading info for themalaco: No match found
WARN error while reading info for joanos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for k1sh1moto-kei: No match found
2012-01-20 13:38:50.562 GMT Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] java.io.FileNotFound
Exception: derby.log (拒绝访问。)
2012-01-20 13:38:50.953 GMT:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby -
- (648739): instance a816c00e-0134-fb57-5052-00000039c810
on database directory F:\新建文件夹\WinCombo 2.1.80\Brutal Combo Up\data\db

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
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Posts : 81
Join date : 2011-03-04
Age : 34

[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012, 13:43

abat-lm wrote:
WARN error while reading info for octaplex: No match found
WARN error while reading info for reddolphin: No match found
WARN error while reading info for siverek-canavari: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rose: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nooteebrute: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bal: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ze-luis: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pannus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tropsi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for meatpie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bonay: No match found
WARN error while reading info for koala7: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kostucha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for css-zogga: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cavette: No match found
WARN error while reading info for strange-kid: No match found
WARN error while reading info for christy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for automob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kappastepp: No match found
WARN error while reading info for marzman: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bluedongle: No match found
WARN error while reading info for justdoneit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sevenseven: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pardonyou: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 654: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fabricinho-pq: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bbc-tom: No match found
WARN error while reading info for goku-jones: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jimmy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mirkonda: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ozoir: No match found
WARN error while reading info for holic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kwflaezc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cake: No match found
WARN error while reading info for asdf: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fantastix: No match found
WARN error while reading info for schlaftuete: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ayo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ninetails: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard7: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hagefade: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jezzalinkoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for girl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alucat: No match found
WARN error while reading info for audi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 1111: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rixrax: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mike823: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sandza: No match found
WARN error while reading info for death-star: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dieblue: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mihai03: No match found
WARN error while reading info for buzzie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skippio999: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mrgently: No match found
WARN error while reading info for qatana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skynightmare: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 25599: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mavis-handbag: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raest: No match found
WARN error while reading info for celestgirl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard100: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nobodyme: No match found
WARN error while reading info for vinagrin2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard6: No match found
WARN error while reading info for die-hard5: No match found
WARN error while reading info for red-seed: No match found
WARN error while reading info for abc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for merxxxy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for starsplash: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dragon: No match found
WARN error while reading info for murkada: No match found
WARN error while reading info for marotheman: No match found
WARN error while reading info for eva: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sweetcorn-pie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for iii-beans-iii: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rrowland: No match found
WARN error while reading info for abify: No match found
WARN error while reading info for medkirtys-s1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for klm587: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nox: No match found
WARN error while reading info for john-odwyer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tr-ikon: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bishi-bashi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for wronator: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mestredavid: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 123: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xavier: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bruice-lee: No match found
WARN error while reading info for moons-slave: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tatad: No match found
WARN error while reading info for king: No match found
WARN error while reading info for naruto-fuuton: No match found
WARN error while reading info for muffins4ever: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nillediegrille: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dramato: No match found
WARN error while reading info for albert: No match found
WARN error while reading info for srkx07: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mufi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for evaincshade: No match found
WARN error while reading info for plostagupcai: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gravesleepy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 7210-super-nova: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ktheking: No match found
WARN error while reading info for slippn: No match found
WARN error while reading info for oy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mnkj789: No match found
WARN error while reading info for vroni: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dypsy: No match found
WARN error while reading info for http: No match found
WARN error while reading info for snoeflaek: No match found
WARN error while reading info for c-tip: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dronit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ladypaw: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hadilan58: No match found
WARN error while reading info for necrosias: No match found
WARN error while reading info for robert: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 177chaloupe974: No match found
WARN error while reading info for taktake: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lexankirov: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mountaineer92: No match found
WARN error while reading info for piratasdaweb: No match found
WARN error while reading info for drmastermind: No match found
WARN error while reading info for diddy427: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ikneemjehoor: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sunnysuperstar: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nobbi666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for heloisa: No match found
WARN error while reading info for strspeedgirl: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alianzalima1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zdn: No match found
WARN error while reading info for forever-red: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jinja1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for deamon-ica: No match found
WARN error while reading info for letihbos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for st0ne: No match found
WARN error while reading info for shadowoana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for meinerkeiner: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hauwechiaa: No match found
WARN error while reading info for micromik: No match found
WARN error while reading info for einwohnernoob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pasjamariana: No match found
WARN error while reading info for shakar: No match found
WARN error while reading info for paul: No match found
WARN error while reading info for roger: No match found
WARN error while reading info for klibb: No match found
WARN error while reading info for flix-w: No match found
WARN error while reading info for karol1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kebab-bob: No match found
WARN error while reading info for deadmus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bluearring: No match found
WARN error while reading info for megan13: No match found
WARN error while reading info for luzifer6666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for reflex666de: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fliegenfred: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lickingduck: No match found
WARN error while reading info for b1f89: No match found
WARN error while reading info for blue-lotos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mkutzi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dunkers2.0: No match found
WARN error while reading info for frozenplum: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bboyban: No match found
WARN error while reading info for billowe: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dofte20: No match found
WARN error while reading info for m13ir13r: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bradmaxwell: No match found
WARN error while reading info for black-sky-8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zacor-03: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tualet: No match found
WARN error while reading info for greeny00: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sinsinsin: No match found
WARN error while reading info for brachial85: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pleshachok: No match found
WARN error while reading info for davidevil87: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tsunamonami: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skullmungator: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gg-grubygracjan: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kadir-k: No match found
WARN error while reading info for satana667: No match found
WARN error while reading info for zacor.nivel.0-1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raluradu: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rhynie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for alex0113: No match found
WARN error while reading info for stiillmds: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kuh-ku: No match found
WARN error while reading info for myiarahan: No match found
WARN error while reading info for solid-extinction: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kowhai: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mini.doki3: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bean-jojobean: No match found
WARN error while reading info for realkickboxer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 9999zz9: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lasespinilhias: No match found
WARN error while reading info for transic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for intercurrente: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nbfyugft: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xd-1313: No match found
WARN error while reading info for 2drugi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ca47: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lenschik: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yair-strock: No match found
WARN error while reading info for brutefromfuture2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for larsvegas82: No match found
WARN error while reading info for darkxkill: No match found
WARN error while reading info for odtemp: No match found
WARN error while reading info for susessagem: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dunker-987: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gaellisssss: No match found
WARN error while reading info for pelle665: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hwidennis: No match found
WARN error while reading info for patoroc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for lucasbertolo30: No match found
WARN error while reading info for molino.harinero: No match found
WARN error while reading info for h-i-d-e-o-n: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ikla23: No match found
WARN error while reading info for skanxfighter: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mybga911: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yoshimit5u: No match found
WARN error while reading info for m.magic: No match found
WARN error while reading info for x-marcos-x-sfc: No match found
WARN error while reading info for hujekoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for grand-lion: No match found
WARN error while reading info for inv1xfui4n7o4: No match found
WARN error while reading info for micocha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bqstien: No match found
WARN error while reading info for htyi44: No match found
WARN error while reading info for god-on-prozac: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tynchuty: No match found
WARN error while reading info for yurireaper: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rickdogs: No match found
WARN error while reading info for gorall: No match found
WARN error while reading info for dem0ninuyasha: No match found
WARN error while reading info for jove1: No match found
WARN error while reading info for josch42: No match found
WARN error while reading info for nubbit: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ladyvavaseur: No match found
WARN error while reading info for addyrosem: No match found
WARN error while reading info for bruteherder: No match found
WARN error while reading info for oozlezoo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for rhenox: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ficher2: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sayonara-le-nain: No match found
WARN error while reading info for tunox5: No match found
WARN error while reading info for xen890: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sepp105: No match found
WARN error while reading info for raytest07: No match found
WARN error while reading info for krytoi-4el: No match found
WARN error while reading info for x-clau: No match found
WARN error while reading info for spegeliphone: No match found
WARN error while reading info for divino94: No match found
WARN error while reading info for unstable-troll: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ahren15: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ggx-dasd: No match found
WARN error while reading info for osoosopet: No match found
WARN error while reading info for whit3-dogys: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sd65dsx5dczt: No match found
WARN error while reading info for susisusi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for iskrabt: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kampfzwergi: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cara020307: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sonvegetagoku: No match found
WARN error while reading info for smaragddrache: No match found
WARN error while reading info for panarrasdestiny: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cartoffaru: No match found
WARN error while reading info for danzinhooo: No match found
WARN error while reading info for diana-bovio: No match found
WARN error while reading info for maehnaebteheu87: No match found
WARN error while reading info for renan.storer: No match found
WARN error while reading info for f16015to: No match found
WARN error while reading info for ice-of-light: No match found
WARN error while reading info for killthekiller666: No match found
WARN error while reading info for joanos08: No match found
WARN error while reading info for kytyz0r: No match found
WARN error while reading info for themateosk8: No match found
WARN error while reading info for cryrex: No match found
WARN error while reading info for casg2354: No match found
WARN error while reading info for adutas: No match found
WARN error while reading info for mindaugovas: No match found
WARN error while reading info for db-yamchu: No match found
WARN error while reading info for fischus: No match found
WARN error while reading info for sandie: No match found
WARN error while reading info for go-pirats: No match found
WARN error while reading info for thebossplancarte: No match found
WARN error while reading info for blakzektorz: No match found
WARN error while reading info for themalaco: No match found
WARN error while reading info for joanos: No match found
WARN error while reading info for k1sh1moto-kei: No match found
2012-01-20 13:38:50.562 GMT Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] java.io.FileNotFound
Exception: derby.log (拒绝访问。)
2012-01-20 13:38:50.953 GMT:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby -
- (648739): instance a816c00e-0134-fb57-5052-00000039c810
on database directory F:\新建文件夹\WinCombo 2.1.80\Brutal Combo Up\data\db

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''

omg! BC is open well. but it can not find all the puils..so can't train.
help me sioc.
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Join date : 2009-08-27
Location : Finland

[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012, 14:23

First of all, why aren't you already using Pupil Commander? It's much more better program than WinCombo+BC combination.

To your problem, have you checked that your ip isn't banned?
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[FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012, 14:30

Tze wrote:
First of all, why aren't you already using Pupil Commander? It's much more better program than WinCombo+BC combination.

To your problem, have you checked that your ip isn't banned?

thank you for your word. Wink
what's Pupil Commander ? give me a URL。
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PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012, 14:37

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PostSubject: Re: [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers   [FAQ] BRUTAL COMBO answers I_icon_minitime

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