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 Problem with DE - Pupils creating

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Tournies Mod
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Problem with DE - Pupils creating Empty
PostSubject: Problem with DE - Pupils creating   Problem with DE - Pupils creating I_icon_minitimeTue 17 Aug 2010, 10:14


Little question!

I have written a small Actionazzscript that creat pupils for me.

Now, after 10 pupils I got the messages "Der Name des Brutes ist bereits vergeben"

In english "The name of this brute is used"

Actionazz write "basti" and then random number behind the name. So normaly a Name looks like "basti845z419"

If I check the name, the name is free. But I got this message. Is this a new protect from MT?

I tested with actionazz that also letters randomize, but this doesn´t worked.

So I write the name and the numbers random. But now its ended!

Everybody an Idea???


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Problem with DE - Pupils creating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with DE - Pupils creating   Problem with DE - Pupils creating I_icon_minitimeTue 17 Aug 2010, 10:23

Even if the names are different it may complain and tell that the name already exists.
MT checks only the first few chars and if they were already used it will say that the brute name already exists even if it's not the case in fact.

Best is to use the smallest possible prefix.
Then you should in your Actionaz script check if there was a problem concerning the name and if it is the case the script should retry with another name until it finds a valid name.

In order to help with this part of the script you could use the "MyBrute XP Pupil" tool in the "Manage my pupils" Bonus pack of this release topic: (at least that's what I'm using with my Winautomation script to handle this particular problem)
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Tournies Mod
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Problem with DE - Pupils creating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with DE - Pupils creating   Problem with DE - Pupils creating I_icon_minitimeTue 17 Aug 2010, 11:00


Big THANKS! so I will check it!!!
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Problem with DE - Pupils creating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with DE - Pupils creating   Problem with DE - Pupils creating I_icon_minitimeWed 18 Aug 2010, 10:38

You also get away with more on the main screen than you do on the challenge screen.

A name that is rejected on the challenge screen will often be accepted on the main screen. Wierd, but true! Sticking with a 3 or 4 letter prefix (I use 3) is the way to go. The shorter the prefix, the less likely you are to have problems.

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Problem with DE - Pupils creating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with DE - Pupils creating   Problem with DE - Pupils creating I_icon_minitime

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